Do I Have Thyroid Disease? Know Before It Gets Serious!

January 3, 2023

A provider at AFC Urgent Care Danbury ready to evaluate you for a thyroid condition

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the throat. It produces hormones that regulate a variety of functions in the body, including metabolism, energy production, and body temperature. Unfortunately, thyroid disease is a common condition that affects millions of people in the United States. 

It is essential to be aware of the symptoms, causes, and treatments of thyroid disease in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With that being said, AFC Urgent Care has created a guide this Thyroid Disease Awareness month to help you prevent it.

How Do You Get Thyroid Disease? 

The thyroid produces two main thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Thyroid disease occurs when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones (Hypothyroidism) or if the thyroid produces too many hormones (Hyperthyroidism). Some thyroid issues are autoimmune, meaning, the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland.

What Are The Symptoms Of Thyroid Disease? 

Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are the two common categories when it comes to Thyroid disease.  


With hypothyroidism your thyroid gland can’t make enough hormones to function well.. In hypothyroidism, the gland’s hormone production slows. This, in turn, slows your metabolism, which can lead to weight gain and other symptoms. 


As its name suggests, hyperthyroidism occurs when your body makes too much of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), and becomes overactive. If you have hyperthyroidism, you may experience a fast heartbeat, increased appetite, anxiety, sensitivity to heat, or sudden weight loss.

Thyroid Disease symptoms can vary. It can vary depending if the thyroid gland is overproducing or underproducing its hormones. 

 Underproducing symptoms (Hypothyroidism)

  • Having muscle weakness and tremors.
  • Experiencing irregular menstrual periods or having your menstrual cycle stop.
  • Feeling sensitive to heat.
  • Having vision problems or eye irritation.
  • Having trouble sleeping

Overproducing symptoms (Hyperthyroidism)

  • Having dry and coarse hair.
  • Having a hoarse voice.
  • Experiencing an intolerance to cold temperatures.
  • Feeling fatigue 
  • Gaining weight 

If you experience any of the symptoms above, it’s advisable to seek help from a medical professional. 

Getting Tested For Thyroid Disease

Diagnosing Thyroid disease can be somewhat tricky because the symptoms can be easily mistaken for other conditions. Luckily, there are some tests that can pinpoint Thyroid Disease. AFC Urgent Care Danbury West can provide you the following: 

Blood tests - Thyroid blood tests are used to tell if your thyroid gland is functioning properly by measuring the amount of thyroid hormones in your blood. 

Physical exams -  This is a painless test where the medical professional feels your gland to see if there is any abnormality. 

These tests not only help the doctor but it will help you understand what is going on with your Thyroid gland. 

Living With A Thyroid Disease

Living with a Thyroid Disease involves patience and some change. Managing the disease may include exercising, diet changes, your doctor monitoring your Thyroid gland, and medication will be part of your life. For the most part, having a Thyroid Disease doesn’t restrict anyone from living their life. 

AFC Urgent Care Danbury Can Test You For Thyroid Disease!

AFC Urgent Care Danbury West is here for you. There’s no need to delay a visit.  We can answer any questions or concerns related to thyroid disease and can test you to see if you have a thyroid condition. If you do end up having a thyroid condition, we can point you in the right direction to getting your health back on track.  

Our doors are open 7 days a week and we take in walk-ins as well as appointments. Always here for you!   

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