Can I Get Lyme Disease From My Dog?

June 7, 2023

Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that can cause a wide range of symptoms– affecting both humans and their pets. Lyme is transmitted through the bite of infected deer ticks. As summer quickly approaches, cases of Lyme disease are starting to rise in our communities. In this blog post, we’ll explore whether or not it’s possible to get Lyme disease from your dog and provide more information on how to prevent the infection.

For same-day tick bite & Lyme care, visit AFC Urgent Care Louisville. The walk-in clinic is open seven days a week, making healthcare accessible to those with the busiest schedules. Simply walk-in or pre-register online today!

Is It Possible To Contract Lyme Disease From Pets?

It’s important to understand how Lyme disease spreads. A common misconception about  Lyme disease is that the infection is contagious, which is not the case. Both humans and pets can only get Lyme disease from an infected tick's bite. This being said, dogs are fairly susceptible to Lyme disease. They can become infected after spending time in wooded, grassy areas where a tick may latch onto their skin.

While your dog cannot directly infect you with Lyme, it’s quite possible that they can carry ticks into the home. If your dog brings an infected tick inside your living space, they could potentially transmit the bacteria to anyone living there. This means it’s crucial to perform regular tick checks on not only yourself, but your dog as well!

Signs and Symptoms of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease symptoms can be particularly debilitating and develop into complications if left untreated. Lyme is typically treated with antibiotics. Early detection and treatment is crucial for a full, healthy recovery.

Common Lyme symptoms include:

  • Bull’s eye rash
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Joint pain

How To Prevent Lyme Disease

Preventing Lyme disease in both yourself and your pet is crucial. Be sure to take the necessary steps and precautions to reduce the risk of tick bites. As previously mentioned, regular tick checks are an important way to identify ticks early on. After spending time outdoors, thoroughly check yourself, others, and pets for ticks. Additionally, you can use tick repellents that are safe for pets to lower your risk of a tick bite.

When spending time in wooded, grassy areas, be sure to wear protective clothing, like long sleeved shirts and pants. Also consider tick-proofing your yard. Ticks thrive in wooded areas, so you can create a barrier and keep your lawn well-maintained. While this is not a full-proof way to get rid of ticks, it can lower the chances of the insect biting your pet while they go out.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Louisville For Same-Day Care

If you’ve been bitten by a tick, it’s always better to be cautious and seek guidance. A healthcare provider at AFC Urgent Care Louisville can help evaluate your symptoms and plan the appropriate treatment to clear a Lyme disease infection. For same-day care, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Louisville today! If you have any additional questions, please contact our office directly at (720) 961-9700.

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