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AFC Haledon
Ear Infection Treatment

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Haledon, NJ Ear Infection Treatment

Haledon, NJ Ear Infection Treatment at AFC Urgent Care

AFC Haledon, NJ provides on-site ear infection examinations and treatment. Middle ear infections/ear aches are fairly common, especially in children 6 months - 2 years old. Most common ear infections are caused by the presence of bacteria or a virus in the middle ear, resulting from another illness such as a cold or flu. These bacteria and viruses cause swelling of nasal passages and eustachian tubes, which causes severe pain.

Some ear infections may go away on their own, while others require antibiotics. Chronic ear infections can cause severe damage or even hearing loss.

If you or your child have an ear infection,schedule your consultation now or walk right in!

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AFC Urgent Care FAQs

  • Why Choose AFC Urgent Care?

    With state-of-the-art centers and a professional medical team, AFC provides on-site X-rays, labs, procedures, and more!

  • What's the Difference Between Urgent Care and Emergency Room Services?

    Urgent care is for medical conditions that require prompt attention but do not pose an immediate threat to your health or life. Here is a simple rule of thumb: if your medical issues(s) are life threatening, call 911, or go directly to a hospital emergency room. If not, an urgent care center such as AFC is an excellent alternative.

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