When to Go To Urgent Care for a Cough

September 11, 2023

Do you have a nagging cough that seems to last forever? Though we experience coughs often, there are some symptoms that may indicate it’s a good idea to seek urgent care. Let's jump into the details to learn when you should receive medical attention for a cough. For same-day care, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Grand Junction today!

Symptoms that Show Your Coughing Needs Medical Attention

So, picture this: you're hacking away like a pirate searching for treasure. But if your cough comes with a fever that's hotter than July, a chest pain that feels like an elephant is sitting on you, breathing that has become a workout, or you're coughing up something that looks like a severe issue – guess what?

It's time to dial up urgent care. These symptoms mean business and could be a sign of something more than just a common cold.

Different Illnesses That Could Cause a Cough

Various factors can cause coughs, and not all are due to infections. Allergies, asthma, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are a few non-infectious conditions that can lead to chronic coughing.

On the infectious side, the common cold, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia are culprits known to trigger persistent coughs. Know that determining the root cause of your cough is crucial for effective treatment, and that's where urgent care can play a vital role.

Getting a Full Evaluation, Diagnosis, & Treatment Plan at Urgent Care

Urgent care centers are the perfect middle ground between your primary care physician's office and the emergency room. They offer timely medical attention without the long wait times associated with ER visits. When you visit an urgent care facility for your cough, you can expect a thorough evaluation by healthcare professionals. They will listen to your symptoms, perform necessary tests, and provide a diagnosis. With a clear understanding of what's causing your cough, they can create a tailored treatment plan to help you recover faster.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Grand Junction For Same-Day Care

Keep in mind that a persistent cough can be more than just a nuisance—it can be a sign that your body needs medical attention. If you experience symptoms like a high fever, severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, or coughing up blood, don't hesitate to visit us at AFC Urgent Care Grand Junction. Our healthcare providers can diagnose your condition and ensure you receive the proper treatment to get you back to feeling your best. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health.

So, the next time you find yourself asking, "Should I go to urgent care for my cough?" remember these essential signs and symptoms, and make the right choice for your health.

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