How to Stay Healthy and Safe During the Fall Season

February 24, 2023

Fall is a favorite season for many and that’s no surprise. What may be a surprise, however, is the increased rate of illnesses and injuries during fall. Follow this guide to keep your family healthy and safe during the 2022 fall season.

Get Vaccinated

All family members over 6 months of age should get their 2022 flu shot if you haven’t already. The flu is spreading rapidly this time of year, but you can lower your risk by getting vaccinated! Vaccines are effective, safe, and easy to get. Most insurance plans pay for them in full too!

Pay Close Attention When It’s Dark

There’s an increase in driving related accidents when it starts to get dark earlier and stay dark later. Use extra caution on the road this time of year. Always be on the lookout for pedestrians, animals, and other drivers who may not be paying attention.

Take your time if you’re driving on a road with minimal lighting or turns that make it especially hard to see. If you struggle to see clearly when it’s dark, you should not be on the road at all. Talk with an eye doctor about improving your vision in the dark before you put someone’s life at risk.

Stay Safe During Seasonal Festivities

Fall is filled with lots of festivities including Halloween and thanksgiving. Sadly, anytime there’s an increase in events like this there is also an increase in injuries.

Stay safe during Halloween celebrations by wearing warm layers with a reflective strip on the top layer. Talk with your children about road safety before you start trick or treating. Never wear a mask that obscures your vision. Check candy and discard packages that appear to have been opened or tampered with. 

On Thanksgiving, most injuries are related to cooking safety. Practice safe cooking by never stepping away from food while it cooks. Limit the number of people in the kitchen and keep food prep surfaces clean and dry. Practice food storage safety guidelines by storing food at the appropriate temperature until it’s time to serve.

If you or a loved one experience an acute illness or injury this fall, visit a local urgent care center for quick treatment at a reasonable price! Urgent care centers can treat most non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses. If you’re in need of a vaccine or flu testing, they can help with that too!

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