Is It Normal To Get a Sore Throat From Allergies?

September 26, 2023

For people with allergies, experiencing a sore throat is not uncommon. This can occur when the body reacts to an allergen by producing excess mucus. This additional mucus can then drip from the nose down the back of the throat, a phenomenon known as postnasal drip. This can lead to irritation, causing the throat to feel scratchy, ticklish, or painful.

Usually, people mistake a sore throat caused by allergies for a symptom of a cold. Here, we will highlight the relationship between allergies and sore throat and offer some treatment patterns. For same-day allergy relief, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Denver Aurora Havana.

Do Seasonal Allergies Cause Sore Throat?

The body system mistakes allergies to be something fatal and begins to make antibodies to fight against it.  These antibodies signal mast cells in your nasal passages to release histamines, which tighten and inflame the tissues around small blood vessels in your nose. This process fosters a massive production of mucus.

While mucus is an essential substance that can help trap and eject substances that enter the nose, excess production can lead to sinus and nasal congestion. To make matters worse, the congestion drains into the throat and causes soreness and other symptoms that lead to a sore throat.

Common allergens that can cause sore throat from post-nasal drip are animal dander, mold, cockroaches, pollen (tree, grass, weed), and dust mites. Some symptoms include watery or itchy eyes, stuffy nose, sneezing, dry throat, coughing, severe throat pain, wheezing, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, and snoring.

How to Prevent and Treat a Sore Throat Caused by Seasonal Allergies

The prevention strategy is simple. If you know what you are allergic to, avoid it. You can also discuss the option of immunotherapy with your healthcare provider. Immunotherapy is the process of getting injections of whatever you are allergic to so that you become less sensitive to it as time goes on.

Medication helps to slow down the immune response and lessens the risk of developing a sore throat. It can also help to lessen the congestion and pain of getting a sore throat. Medications like antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays tend to do the job in most cases. You can also opt to soothe your throat with natural home remedies like saltwater gargles, throat lozenges, neti pot saline nasal rinse, hot liquids (soup broths, tea with honey, etc.), hydration, and rest.

How Long Does a Sore Throat from Allergies Last?

A sore throat from seasonal allergies remains if the person is still exposed to the allergen. In the worst cases, it is possible to have a sore throat for the entire season. Sore throats from seasonal allergies develop because of postnasal drip. This means that you get congestion, facial pressure, and even infection for up to six weeks.

Hence, immediate treatment and consultation with your healthcare provider is advised if you notice any of your symptoms. AFC Urgent Care Denver Aurora Havana is open seven days a week to provide allergy symptom relief to all patients in the area and surrounding communities. Just walk-in today!

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