When to Seek Medical Care for a Burn

December 22, 2023

Burns can happen quickly and unexpectedly. They can be serious injuries that require careful care during the healing process. Learn more about when you should seek medical care for burn treatment to avoid permanent effects. Visit AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center for same-day minor burn treatment.

How To Identify How Serious Your Burn Is

Burns occur when you expose your skin to extremely hot temperatures. There are many different ways in which a burn can occur, including sunburns and burning yourself while cooking. Although in many cases, burns can be minor injuries, burns that are not treated correctly can cause long-lasting damage to the skin. It is important to know when you should seek medical care for your burn and to do so quickly if you do burn yourself to stop the burn from progressing and causing more damage.

Burn severity is often measured on a scale that determines how deep the burn has reached in your skin layers. This scale can be used as a guide regarding when to seek medical care if you burn yourself.

First-Degree Burns: First-degree burns are the most common and least severe type of burn. These burns only impact the outermost layer of skin, meaning that they heal quickly with little risk of infection or permanent damage. These burns do not require medical care and are commonly seen with sunburns.

Second-Degree Burns: Second-degree burns are also commonly referred to as partial thickness burns because they impact the outer epidermis as well as part of the dermis layer. These burns often are painful and blister on the surface of the skin. If your burn forms blisters, you should not pop them and seek medical care for proper treatment to reduce the risk of infection forming.

Third-Degree Burns: Third-degree burns are very serious burns that always require medical treatment by a burn specialist. These burns burn through all layers of skin and oftentimes also burn the fatty tissue layer beneath the skin. Third-degree burns often cause nerve damage, which can result in the affected area not having any sensation, including pain.

When To Seek Medical Care For A Burn

Burns can be very serious medical emergencies that sometimes require specialized treatment for proper treatment. First-degree burns often do not require medical care, however, there are certain conditions in which you should seek medical care for a burn, even if it is not blistering or severe:

  • If your burn covers a joint
  • If your burn is larger than 3 inches
  • If your burn is bleeding or oozing
  • If your burn has become infected during healing
  • If your burn has debris in it

At urgent care, you can seek medical attention for minor burns that are less than 3 inches. However, if your burn is very large or severe, you should seek medical care for your burn in the emergency room where there are burn specialists available to take over your care if necessary.

Burn treatment at urgent care involves cleaning the affected area, including taking care of any blistering or existing infections and clearing the burn of any debris present. This will create the best conditions possible for the burn to heal correctly without complications. Your healthcare provider may also provide you with antibiotic ointment and a dressing with at-home care instructions to ensure you keep the area clean.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center For Walk-In Burn Treatment In Aurora, CO

If you have suffered a burn and are curious whether you require medical treatment, utilizing the burn scale of severity is a good place to evaluate the severity of your burn. The medical professionals at AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center are available 7 days a week for minor burn care on a walk-in basis. Our board-certified medical professionals are able to treat minor burns that are less than 3 inches. Walk in today or pre-register your visit online.

At AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center, we understand that accidents happen. That is why we are available 7 days a week with extended business hours for patients in Aurora, CO, and the surrounding communities. We offer short wait times and affordable care options so that you can get the care that you need when you need it. You never need an appointment to receive medical care at our facility, simply walk in. For additional questions regarding our clinic, please contact us directly by calling 303-529-1100.

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