National Kidney Awareness Month: Understanding Kidney Disease

February 15, 2024

March is National Kidney Awareness Month

Did you know March is all about National Kidney Month? It's a time to really focus on understanding our kidney health – from knowing the risks and symptoms of kidney issues to appreciating how hard our kidneys work to keep us feeling good.

AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon has created a helpful guide to help you further understand the importance of our kidneys and what could happen if we neglect them.

The Importance Of Your Kidneys

Your Kidneys have multiple bodily functions, such as: 

  • Filtering all the blood in your body every 30 minutes. 
  • Working hard to remove wastes, toxins, and excess fluid. 
  • They help control blood pressure, 
  • Stimulate production of red blood cells, 
  • Keep your bones healthy, 
  • They regulate blood chemicals that are essential to life.

How Kidney Disease Happens

Referring to the CDC, Chronic Kidney Disease (CDK) is when your kidneys are damaged and can't clean your blood well. This means extra fluid and waste stay in your body, which can lead to other issues like heart disease and stroke.

About 15% of adults in the US, which is roughly 37 million people, have CKD. That's more than one in seven adults.

Other problems from CKD include:

  • Anemia (not enough red blood cells)
  • Getting sick more often
  • Problems with calcium, potassium, and phosphorus levels in your blood
  • Not feeling hungry or eating less
  • Feeling sad or having a lower quality of life

People who have High blood pressure, have a family history of CKD, have diabetes, and are 60+ years of age, have a higher risk of CKD

Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms

Here are some Symptoms to watch out for: 

  • Swelling: face, hands, abdomen, ankles,
  • feet Puffy
  • eves Blood in
  • urine 
  • Foamy urine
  • Increased
  • thirst
  • Fatigue

The Symptoms listed above are common, but Individuals with CKD might not experience any symptoms or feel unwell. The only definitive method to determine whether someone has CKD is by undergoing specific blood and urine tests. These tests involve assessing both the creatinine level in the blood and the presence of protein in the urine.

Tips On Keeping Your Kidney Healthy

  • Aim to maintain your blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg (or follow the target set by your doctor).
  • If you have diabetes, strive to keep your blood sugar within your recommended range.
  • Incorporate physical activity into your routine as it helps in managing both blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • If you're overweight, work towards shedding excess weight.
  • If you're at risk of CKD, ensure regular testing.
  • If diagnosed with CKD, consult with a dietician to devise a kidney-friendly meal plan. Adjustments may be necessary over time or with changes in health status.
  • Adhere to medication instructions, and discuss with your doctor about the potential benefits of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers, which can aid in protecting your kidneys alongside lowering blood pressure.
  • Quit smoking, as it can exacerbate kidney disease and counteract the effects of blood pressure medications.
  • Consider including a nephrologist (kidney doctor) as part of your healthcare team.

Get Tested For Kidney Issues at AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon 

If you experience any of the symptoms listed above or need to speak to a medical professional about CKD tests,  AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon is here for you and will test your blood and urine. Testing your blood will check kidney function and testing your urine ratio estimates the amount of a type of protein, albumin, that you excrete in your urine.

At AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon we want to ensure you have a great experience. Our services are available seven days a week, appointments aren't needed, just walk in, and if you want to schedule an appointment online, that is available as well.  Be sure to check out or use an easy to use online payment system! We accept most insurances; You’ll be checked in and checked out with just a few clicks. 

About Our Services:

Call (914) 202-4830 for more information about our Mt. Vernon urgent care services.