June Is Men's Health Month: Don’t Miss Your Next Doctor’s Appointment!

May 31, 2023

Man Getting A Physical At AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon To Address Men’s Health Issues And Concerns

It’s no secret that men are more likely to disregard their well-being until faced with a serious medical condition. Come on, man! We care about you. By scheduling  routine checkups, you’ll be in a better position to prevent some of the more serious health conditions that affect everyday function like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, 3 of the top men’s health issues. 

In recognition of Men's Health Month in June, AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon is committed to helping men address their health concerns and issues. Let's continue the conversation about men's health issues and collaboratively explore preventive measures.

The first step involves raising awareness about these issues and acknowledging the significance of more frequent checkups. Let's delve into these specific health concerns and uncover strategies for prevention in our guide.

Preventable Health Challenges for Men

Were you aware that regular visits to the doctor can help prevent these health problems? Let's examine the top 7 health issues for men in more detail:

  • Cardiovascular disease (heart disease)
  • Prostate cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Low testosterone levels

Heart disease, which is the primary cause of death in the United States, often stems from conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Seeking medical assistance, incorporating regular exercise, adopting a healthy diet, and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle can help prevent these conditions from limiting your daily life. Ignoring or neglecting them can lead to severe complications such as heart failure, stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, and amputations.

Regular checkups with a urologist and self-examinations at home can also aid in the prevention of cancer, including prostate and testicular cancer. Testicular cancer, in particular, is more common among men aged 15-34. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, take charge of your health and pursue more frequent checkups.

Workplace Injuries: Another Concern for Men's Health

Did you know that men face a higher susceptibility to workplace injuries and illnesses compared to women? Labor statistics consistently highlight this gender disparity, with certain job types posing greater health risks for men.

June also emphasizes health and safety in the workplace. We strongly encourage men to prioritize their well-being by scheduling checkups, adhering to safety precautions at work, wearing protective gear, and avoiding unnecessary risks that could endanger their health.

Take Action Today, Don't Delay. Get Checked Out Today At AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon

While we hope progress has been made in addressing these health issues, there are still gaps in seeking medical advice, treatment, and early diagnosis. Instead of waiting for a problem to arise, you can visit AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon any day of the week to address your health concerns.

AFC in Mt. Vernon is here to support you in addressing your health issues. We offer routine check-ups for cholesterol, blood sugar levels (diabetes), blood pressure, and more. Additionally, we provide workers' compensation services, X-rays, and treatment for minor injuries such as sprains, lacerations, and muscle pain.

No appointment is necessary; you can simply walk in any day of the week. However, if you prefer, you can also make an appointment online. Remember, your health is a priority that should never be neglected. AFC Urgent Care Mt. Vernon is devoted to promoting men's health by directly addressing these concerns. Let's take proactive steps together to tackle men's health issues and work towards prevention.

Here for you, man!

About Our Services:

Call (914) 202-4830 for more information about our Mt. Vernon urgent care services.