Winter Dehydration: What You Should Know

January 11, 2023

Dehydration is a common concern during the hot summer months, as the hot weather inevitably leads to an increase of sweat production. However, not many people are aware of the occurrence of dehydration during the winter season. As the temperature drops, we may spend less time prioritizing our water intake which can lead to dehydration. This blog post will explore what causes winter dehydration, the symptoms, and how to prevent it.

For same-day general illness treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Lakewood. Our team of board-certified healthcare providers specialize in diagnosing and treating many common conditions. Simply walk into the clinic today, or reserve your spot online!

What Causes Dehydration in the Winter?

There are several different causes of dehydration in the winter, including the cold and dry air. When the air is drier, our skin and respiratory system can become dry as well. A decrease of moisture in our respiratory system makes us more susceptible to dehydration. Additionally, we tend to drink less water during the winter as it’s common to not feel as thirsty. Furthermore, when diagnosed with a cold, the flu, or similar condition, dehydration is common as you might not be getting enough fluids.

It’s important that dehydration is treated properly, as it can potentially lead to more severe conditions or complications. Whether you’re participating in high-activity sports like skiing or snowboarding, or you are recovering from an illness this winter, it’s important to prioritize staying hydrated and seeking treatment when necessary.

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

Dehydration can cause a variety of symptoms that are uncomfortable and disruptive to your daily routine. If you’re feeling unwell, pay attention and listen to your body! It’s especially important to seek care if you’re dealing with particularly alarming symptoms, like dizziness and confusion.

  • Dry mouth
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion

In most cases, drinking more water and resting will help alleviate these symptoms and get you on the right track to better health. However, if your symptoms persist it’s important to seek care. The team of healthcare providers at AFC Urgent Care Lakewood can comprehensively treat mild to moderate dehydration symptoms in patients.

How to Prevent Winter Dehydration

It’s important to be aware of the preventive measures available to avoid dehydration before it happens. First off, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. This may feel like second nature during the summer, but it’s just as important during the winter. Consider buying a reusable water bottle and drinking at least 8 cups of water per day. You can also eat foods that are rich with water, like fruits and vegetables. By integrating foods like lettuce, cucumber, celery, and watermelon into your daily diet, you have a greater chance of combating winter dehydration.

If you’re someone who is susceptible to getting sick in the winter, you can use a humidifier to keep the air in your home moist. Humidifiers are a great resource for keeping your respiratory system lined with the necessary mucus to fight off bacterial infections and dehydration.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Lakewood for Dehydration Treatment

Winter dehydration can be caused by dry air, general illnesses, and a lack of water intake. To learn more about preventing winter dehydration, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Lakewood. The clinic is open seven days a week with walk-in visits welcomed. Our team of healthcare providers can treat dehydration symptoms in patients of all ages. If you have any additional questions about being dehydrated in the winter, or other services we provide, please contact our office directly at (303) 988-3600.

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