Tips for Preventing Injuries During Spring Sports Season

March 22, 2023

Spring is just around the corner, and March marks the start of the spring sports season in many communities. Whether it’s baseball, tennis, or track and field, there are plenty of opportunities for your family to get outside and get active. While participating in sports is a great way to support your physical health, you can also be at risk of increased injury. It’s important to be aware of how to best prevent sports injuries and know the best methods for a full recovery.

For same-day sports injury treatment, and sports physicals, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Lakewood. Our board-certified medical providers specialize in diagnosing and treating a wide range of acute injuries, so you can get back in the game faster. Simply walk-in or reserve your spot online!

Sports Injury Prevention Methods

With a few simple practices, you can help prevent injuries and stay healthy during the spring sports season. These methods apply to people of all ages– whether your child is preparing for highschool lacrosse or you’re joining an adult tennis team. To start, make sure to warm up properly before each practice or game. Your warm-up should focus on stretching and loosening your muscles and stiff joints, to prepare your body for the physical demands of your sport. Additionally, it’s crucial to wear the appropriate safety gear. The necessary equipment depends on your sport, but could include a helmet, shin guards, or a mouthguard.

Furthermore, preventing sports injuries relies on listening to your body. If you feel any pain or discomfort during activity, be sure to allow your body to rest and recover. More prevention methods include staying hydrated, taking rest days, maintaining proper technique, and seeking medical care when you need it. Don’t ignore the initial warning signs of an injury!

Make Sure To Get Your Sports Physical

If your child is playing a sport this spring, it’s likely they’ll need to receive a sports physical beforehand. Sports physicals, also referred to as a preparticipation physical exam (PPE), can make all the difference in preventing injury. In most cases, schools and sports leagues require these physicals prior to any participation. Whether it’s required or not, sports physicals are also a good idea to check on your overall health and physical fitness.

During a sports physical exam, your health provider will check for any medical conditions that could inhibit your ability to play sports safely. For same-day physicals, visit AFC Urgent Care Lakewood Today! During the exam, you can expect the following to take place:

  • Review of your medical history
  • Inspection of height, weight, vision & blood pressure
  • Examination of ears, nose and throat
  • Check flexibility, strength, joints, and posture
  • Updating any vaccinations that are out-of-date
  • Further testing & treatment if necessary

Sports Injury Treatment and Recovery Tips

Despite taking preventative measures, injuries can still occur when participating in sports. If you sustain a sports injury, be sure to seek medical attention when necessary. Urgent care centers, like AFC Lakewood, are great resources for quick, affordable, and convenient care. Medical providers can diagnose and treat all acute, non-life-threatening injuries– from sprains and strains to fractures and dislocations.

When recovering from a sports injury, be sure to allow your body to rest so you can safely return to your team. Avoid any activities that could potentially aggravate the injury. Furthermore, consider following the R.I.C.E method to recover properly from your injury– rest, ice, compression, and elevation. If your injury is causing a moderate amount of pain, discuss with your provider about the best course of treatment. At AFC Urgent Care Lakewood, we can prescribe the appropriate medications to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Lakewood for Sports Injury Care

If you or one of your loved ones has sustained an injury on the field, in practice or on a run, visit AFC Urgent Care Lakewood today for immediate care. Our medical team can perform sports physicals, diagnose injuries, and plan treatment accordingly. The clinic is open seven days a week and operates on a walk-in basis. Most major insurance plans are accepted and low rates for self-paying patients are available. If you have any additional questions on sports injury prevention, please call our office directly at (303) 988-3600.

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