How To Quickly Treat Sinus Pressure

March 16, 2024

Sinus pressure, often accompanied by congestion, headache, and discomfort, can significantly disrupt daily life and diminish overall wellness. Whether triggered by allergies, infections, or environmental factors, finding quick relief from sinus pressure is essential for restoring comfort. In this blog, we’ll explore various effective strategies for promptly alleviating sinus pressure. 

For a same-day diagnosis and treatment plan, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Farmington. Our medical team is here seven days a week to provide exceptional urgent care to all patients with no appointment necessary. Just walk-in today!

Understanding Sinus Pressure

Sinus pressure is caused when the nasal passages are blocked and that leaves the sinuses unable to drain properly. When this happens it causes inflammation and usually pain in the head, nose, and face. Sinus pressure could have different causes in different people but it's usually caused by the influenza virus (flu), common cold, allergies, or exposure to specific pollutants. Sinus pressure usually feels like tightness and aching in the eyes, nose, forehead or cheekbones. 

Some common signs and symptoms of sinus pressure include:

  • Thick, colored mucus
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Tenderness in the face
  • Postnasal dripping

How To Quickly Relieve Sinus Pressure

  1. Use Steam: Dry sinuses tend to worsen sinus pressure, but it helps to moisturize them. One good way to do this is steam exposure. It helps moisturize the sinus and liquify thickened mucus in the nasal passages. You can get the steam effect from a hot shower, a cup of hot tea or even a humidifier.
  2. Do A Saline Flush: This is a mixture of salt and water. Saline solutions can help relieve sinus pressure and congestion as well clear out allergens in the nasal passages. All it takes is rinsing or flushing the nasal passages with the solution. Saline sprays can be homemade or bought in a drugstore.
  3. Get Plenty of Rest: Sleep is a good way to allow the body to heal itself. When you're asleep, your body produces more white blood cells that fight the viruses and bacteria that may be causing the sinus pressure. Sleeping also helps your body recover faster.
  4. Elevation: When you're lying flat mucus builds up more easily in your nasal passages, and this can increase your sinus pressure. To get some elevation, place your head on a pillow and maintain an elevation where your head is higher than your heart. This helps open the nasal passage and can improve breathing.
  5. Hydration: You should not be dehydrated if you have sinus pressure. Dryness and dehydration tend to increase the pressure and make it harder to heal. Hydration helps to reduce the blockage in your nose and also softens the thick mucus in the nasal passages. To increase hydration, drink more water, soups or broth, tea, fruit and vegetable juices and even smoothies.
  6. Relaxation Exercises: Practicing some relaxation exercises may help relieve headaches and improve breathing. Sinus pressure causes you to be uncomfortable, however exercises like Yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help you feel more comfortable and reduce pain and pressure.
  7. Warm Compress: A simple warm compress can go a long way in relieving sinus pressure. Just take a warm compress, like a soft cloth and dip it in warm water just enough to dampen it and then place it over your sinuses. This alone can help reduce swelling, and help open your nasal passages.

When To Seek Treatment For Sinus Pressure

Apart from simple home remedies, sinus pressure can also be treated with simple over-the-counter medicine. These medicines don't need a doctor's prescription and can be gotten easily in drugstores or pharmacies. Some over-the-counter medicine that helps with sinus pressure include decongestants, antihistamines, and steroid nasal sprays.

While some cases of sinus pressure can be treated at home, it's important to watch out for the symptoms to make sure they don't escalate. If your sinus pressure worsens or persists, or if you experience severe symptoms like a high fever, it’s important to seek medical attention. At AFC Urgent Care Farmington, we can evaluate your condition, determine the underlying cause of your sinus pressure, and recommend appropriate treatment options. Just walk-in today! If you have any additional questions about our services, please contact our office directly at (505) 326-6000.

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